
From Superior Equine Sires:
Secret is a son of triple World Champion of Young Dressage Horses, Sezuan. Sezuan was also a champion at five, six and seven years old. During these competitions, he received scores of 9.5 and 10.0. Sezuan was champion of his stallion test and received the high score of 10.0 ten times, a new record. From Sezuan's first crops Secret and Sam in Berlin have been licensed.
Secret's damline has produced a number of international performance horses such as Liebenberg and Top Gun, successful in Italy. Thirty eight approved stallions descend from this damline, including Aktuell, Christ, Sorento, Weltruf and Wildfang. Dam, Seline, is sired by St. Moritz, who in a short breeding career has sired many important sport and breeding successors. The third dam is sired by Rotspon and includes Argentan, Woermann and Lugano in her pedigree. Other standouts from this line include Lorwoods Dancing Diamond.
In 2017 Secret did especially well in the qualifier and the finals for 3-year-old stallions at the Bundeschampion in Warendorf. He placed first in the Qualifier with a 9.00 and second in the Finals with a 9 for trot, walk and training, a 10 for canter, and 8.50 for confirmation. The test rider awarded a 17 giving Secret a 62.50 overall.
There is much potential for Secret as a breeding stallion.
Our Diamond Days is in foal to Secret for 2019.