We made it! Mud season is here ... babies soon!
I feel like this is becoming the norm. A loooonnngg never ending winter, followed by a horrendously mucky spring. But alas, we have made it to the muddy season. And has it ever delivered. My chestnut mare Freebie, looks bay. She's been enjoying her mud baths to say the least. I am anxiously awaiting the time when I can scrub each mare head to toe and see their true colour minus the mud!
Spring brings fun new plans for the season. Clayton is busy putting tile drains in the maternity field. One section is done, one to go. Hoping that this will keep is less wet and that we can use it longer earlier in the season and later in the season. We are blessed with lots of rain here, and hence lots of mud too. A constant battle, but we will win :) Between tile drainage, keeping pastures cleaned of manure/hay, and crusher dust, we can typically keep the mud low. Clayton is also working at clearing more land behind our new barn. Plan is to put a 30 x 70 m dressage ring and a 60 foot round pen in this area. Then clear more land behind it adjacent to another pasture, and add another 2+ acre pasture for rotation.
We have cultured EM Safira, and she is clean and clear and ready to breed! Just awaiting the semen to be shipped here, and we plan to breed mid-late May. No early March/April babies here. Too cold, mucky and unpredictable weather. Prefer May/June/July babies. Much better for us!
It's almost last call for the June in-uteros! Check out the little college I made below. I had fun making these! I've had a TON of interest on Daisy's Secret foal, just no signed contract yet. Freebies' Fabregas is a for sure red headed dressage prospect loaded with chrome. Both top prospects for the dressage ring. Prices will probably increase once the foal is on the ground! Reasonable payment plans offered :)

Havannah's still quite a ways off with her Rascalino foal, but I will get hers made up before too long!
Cross your fingers and toes, that we have safe delivieries and healthy foals!